Top Business Italian Phrases

Top Business Italian Phrases – Most Common Business Italian Phrases

Italian, spoken by millions worldwide, is not only the language of Italy but also holds influence in business and culture. Whether you’re venturing into Italian business or just need basics for correspondence, here are essential Business Italian phrases.

Top Business Italian Phrases:


Buongiorno – Good morning

Buonasera – Good afternoon/evening

Piacere di conoscerla – The formal address “Lei” is emphasized, reflecting the traditional respect for formality in professional settings. However, it notes the changing trend in more casual workplaces where using the informal “tu” is becoming more common.

Discussing Business Topics:

Vorrei presentare il progetto – I would like to present the project

Hai la parola – You can start the conversation.

Sono d’accordo – I agree.

Non condivido la tua opinione – I don’t share your opinion.

È stato un piccolo malinteso – It was a small misunderstanding.

Quando firmiamo il contratto? – When do we sign the contract/agreement?

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Interacting With Co-workers in Italian:

Making connections with colleagues is vital for a positive work environment.

“Posso chiedere un favore?” or “mi faresti un favore” – Can I ask you a favour?/Could you do me a favour?

“Facciamo una pausa caffè?” or “ti va un caffè?” – How about a coffee break?/Shall we get a coffee?

The use of “Possiamo darci del tu?” (Can we switch to informal you?) reflects the dynamic nature of workplace relationships, emphasizing the importance of mutual agreement in adopting more informal language.

Business Emails:

Gentili colleghi – Dear colleagues

Cordiali saluti – Kind regards

Non esitate a contattarmi – Don’t hesitate to contact me

Attendo con interesse una vostra risposta – I look forward to hearing from you soon

Attendo con interesse la tua risposta – I look forward to your response

Attendo con interesse il tuo parere a riguardo – I look forward to hearing your thoughts about it

Mi potresti inoltrare l’e-mail? – Could you forward me the email?

Ti metto in copia – I’ll copy you in

“Spettabile” (Esteemed) when addressing a company and “Gentile” (Dear) when addressing an individual.

Scheduling A Business Meeting in Italian:

(Noi) Dobbiamo pianificare una riunione – We need to schedule a meeting

La riunione è prevista per oggi – The meeting is scheduled for today.

Ha confermato la partecipazione – He/She confirmed attendance.

Potresti prenotare la sala conferenze? – Could you reserve the conference room?

Non preoccuparti, tutto è risolto! – Don’t worry, everything is settled!

The use of phrases like “Grazie della partecipazione” (Thanks for the attendance) reflects the Italian appreciation for participation and collaboration in a business context.

Business Italian Tuition

Are you looking to start learning Italian for business? Do you want a course designed to your specific learning goals? Cactus offers a variety of great Italian business classes tailored to your needs. Cactus also offers general language classes onlineacross the UK and immersive courses across the world.

Are you looking to develop your language skills or of your team members? Are you looking to determine the number of hours needed to reach proficiency? Cactus Guide to International Success –  Levels and Progress Made Simple gives you the information you need to ensure your language training objectives are met.

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