Top Business German Phrases

Top Business German Phrases – Most Common Business German Phrases

When communicating in German business, it’s important to know the differences between written and spoken language, and face-to-face versus phone talks. For example, a casual “Hallöchen!” is okay with colleagues, but in a business letter, start with a formal greeting like “Sehr geehrter Herr [name]” (“Dear Mr. [name]”). Phone chats, a challenge for non-natives, often follow a pattern. Learn key phrases like “Hallo! Kann ich bitte mit Herrn [name] sprechen?” (“Hello! Can I speak to Mr. [name]?”). Whether you’re venturing into German business or just need basics for correspondence, here are essential Business German phrases.

Top Business German Phrases:


Guten Morgen – Good morning

Guten Tag – Good day

Guten Abend – Good evening

Discussing Business Topics:

Ich würde gerne das Projekt vorstellen – I would like to present the project.

Du kannst das Gespräch beginnen – You can start the conversation.

Ich stimme zu – I agree.

Ich teile nicht deine Meinung – I don’t share your opinion.

Es war ein kleines Missverständnis – It was a small misunderstanding.

Wann unterzeichnen wir den Vertrag? – When do we sign the contract/agreement?

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Interacting With Co-workers in German:

“Kann ich dich um einen Gefallen bitten?” – Can I ask you a favor?

“Lass uns eine Kaffeepause machen?” – How about a coffee break?

The question, “Können wir uns duzen?” (Can we switch to informal ‘you’?), reflects the evolving nature of workplace relationships.

Business Emails:

Liebe Kollegen – Dear colleagues

Mit freundlichen Grüßen – Kind regards

Zögern Sie nicht, mich zu kontaktieren – Don’t hesitate to contact me

Ich freue mich darauf, bald von Ihnen zu hören – I look forward to hearing from you soon

Ich freue mich auf deine Antwort – I look forward to your response

Ich bin gespannt auf deine Meinung dazu – I look forward to hearing your thoughts about it

Kannst du mir die E-Mail weiterleiten? – Could you forward me the email?

Ich nehme dich in Kopie – I’ll copy you in

Scheduling A Business Meeting in German:

(Wir) müssen ein Treffen planen – We need to schedule a meeting

Das Treffen ist für heute geplant – The meeting is scheduled for today.

Er/Sie hat die Teilnahme bestätigt – He/She confirmed attendance.

Könntest du den Konferenzraum reservieren? – Could you reserve the conference room?

Keine Sorge, alles ist geregelt! – Don’t worry, everything is settled!

In business German, be formal and use “Sie” unless both agree on the informal “du” for a more relaxed setting.
In German offices, it’s common to use Herr or Frau + surname instead of first names, even with long-time colleagues.
To master business German, grow your vocabulary with work-related words. It takes time, but with a good language foundation, it’s doable.

Business German Tuition

Are you looking to start learning German for business? Do you want a course designed to your specific learning goals? Cactus offers a variety of great German business classes tailored to your needs. Cactus also offers general language classes onlineacross the UK and immersive courses across the world.

Are you looking to develop your language skills or of your team members? Are you looking to determine the number of hours needed to reach proficiency? Cactus Guide to International Success –  Levels and Progress Made Simple gives you the information you need to ensure your language training objectives are met.

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If you are interested in discussing your global language training strategy with the UK leading provider in language training, then get in touch to learn more about your language learning options. From face-to-face, online, blended learning and in company tuition Cactus Language Training will help you find the delivery and schedule that meets your needs. Cactus offer any language wherever you are and whenever you chooseDownload our Free Corporate Brochure.

For information on any of our language training services, please call us on +44 (0) 1273 830 960 or contact us. Our multilingual team will be happy to answer any question you may have.

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